Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Riley lost his first tooth!

Okay for those of you that don't know, I have had a "shark boy" for the last six weeks or so. Riley's first loose tooth happened about two months ago. I went out of town for a week and when I came home the first thing I wanted to do was wiggle his little tooth. Much to my surprise, the new one had popped up behind it. He thought it was pretty cool. He said he was just like a shark. I called the dentist and they said it was actually a pretty common occurrence. Well, six weeks or so went by and the first one still had not fallen out. We even went to the dentist and he still wasn't concerned. Finally, today he came running down stairs and had his tooth in his hand. He is so excited about the tooth fairy coming. Sometimes he sleeps with us ( I know but I just love to have him snuggle with me before it is too late), but tonight he told me he needed to sleep in his bed because we had too many pillows on our bed and he didn't want to confuse the tooth fairy. Isn't he considerate? So, if I can figure out how, here are some pictures of him at bedtime.

1 comment:

Teal said...

Did you just start this blog??? This is awesome!! I love it! Miss you!